Friday, 21 October 2016

Art of Meditation                          
 Special Edition


What is meditation? I guess the more appropriate way to define meditation is “                  ”.

Why? Well, let’s say that you sit for meditation and see the sky is cloudy, naturally the moment you see the sky is cloudy there will be an imagination like “Is it going to rain today?” And this will lead to further imagination like “Should we go to picture tonight?” And this will lead to further imagination like “Would my daughter agree for tomorrow?” And these imaginations go on for a few seconds and suddenly you realize that you are imagining.

And naturally the moment you see that you are imagining there will be a frustration like “Bullshit! I am not meditating properly.” And this will lead to further frustration like “Fuck off! Again I am getting lost in thoughts.” And this will lead to further frustration like “Oh my god! Please show me the way to get enlightenment.” And these frustrations go on for a few seconds and suddenly you realize that you are getting frustrated.

And naturally the moment you see that you are getting frustrated there will be a meditation like “                  ”. And this will lead to further meditation like “                  ”. And this will lead to further meditation like “                  ”. And these meditations go on for a few seconds and suddenly you realize that you are meditating.

Whether you like it or not, it is obvious that every meditation session typically goes on and on and on like…imagination to frustration to meditation to frustration to meditation to imagination to meditation…for day in and day out to year in and year out. So the main question before us is: What is the way to meditate without getting lost in imaginations and frustrations and get enlightenment as soon as possible? One of best ways to meditate without getting lost in imaginations and frustrations is to blend Noting which is a special meditation technique by the Burmese Theravada Buddhist meditation master Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw in your meditation sessions.
To blend Noting, all you need to do is to just sit for meditation as usual, watch your mind and note your mind states mentally or verbally for every 5 or 6 seconds once like:


And as you start blending Noting in your meditation sessions, first you notice there is less and less noting of frustrations & more and more noting of imaginations and meditations…and then you notice there is less and less noting of imaginations & more and more noting of meditations…and then you notice there is more and more noting of meditations & nothing else…which means enlightenment is just around the corner J 

Hope you like Noting very much, blend the same in your meditation sessions and get enlightenment as soon as possible J J

  Note: Please watch Intro to Noting by Kenneth Folk on YouTube for more info: